Ongoing projects

GREiA’s research activity focuses on participation in different national, European and international research projects, as well as on collaboration with different companies, which require our extensive experience and rigour in research work, with the in order to improve their industrial activity and/or products and, above all, their competitiveness.

Horizon Europe projects

HYBRIDplus: Advanced HYBRID solar plant with PCM storage solutions sCO2 cycles

BIOBUILD: Innovative bio-based building materials with thermal energy storage function

– NitRecerCat: La Nit Europea de la Recerca a Catalunya

CharCool: Rethinking the future of clean cooling through a revolutionary class of thermally-driven chiller based on a novel bio-based thermochemical material

AGRI-COOL: Advancing sustainable AGRIculture through off-grid energy and COOLing solutions in Africa

THUMBS UP: Thermal energy storage solutions to optimally Manage Buildings and unlock their grid balancing and flexibility potential

SUSHEAT: Smart Integration of Waste and Renewable Energy for Sustainable Heat Upgrade in the Industry

INPATH-TES network: Development of quality learning material in TES

CSTO2NE: Biomimicry and carbon adsorbent eco-materials for a climate-neutral economy

H2020 funded projects


Low-carbon cooling technologies keep spaces comfortable in a sustainable way

Storage Research Infrastructure Eco-System

Industrial process Steam Supply – DEMOnstration of an ultra-dynamic thermal energy storage (ISSDEMO)

Other European funded projects

MoReCCU: Molten salt regeneration for carbon capture and utilization

Circular B: Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment

National projects

Techno-economical evaluation of different thermal energy storage concepts for CSP 

Red española de almacenamiento de energía térmica (Spanish Thermal Energy Storage Network)

Inference systems for inconsistent information: Argumentative Analysis

Autonomous process management based on Reinforcement Learning: Practical application in industrial environments

Creation of a deep learning model to predict the state of an urban sewerage system

Improvement of the pneumatic collection system for urban solid waste

Competitive Specialization Project (PECT) Green&Circular b.Ponent

National projects: BRIDGE

Bridging cross-Disciplinary Gaps in urban low-carbon Energy transitions

National projects: BRIDGE

DecaTES: Decarbonization strategies integrating thermal energy storage

National projects: BRIDGE

BioTES-tank: Artificial intelligence driven biomimetics design of a thermal energy storage tank for optimal heat Exchange.

National projects: BRIDGE


National projects: BRIDGE
National projects: BRIDGE

Agreements with companies / institutions

Protocol to issue official energy certificate for buildings

Conceptual design of a TES system that allows the supply of cold energy

Development of a chemical-free tanning process based on enzymes with depilatory capacity


Collaboration for the social development
of the Almia project